Welcome to Cirn⑨!

HAPPY ⑨/⑨/0⑨ DAY!!!⑨

It's finally here! After months and months of waiting, the fated day of the strongest has arrived! What happened today to me is both sad and depressing. No, I am not making this up.

In my AP Statistics class, I got a 4.5/11 on my quiz. Guess what 4 + 5 is.

Not only that, in my Pre Calculus class, I got a 6.5/20 on my quiz, 6 + 5 = 11, 20 - 11 =

Yeah, do the math.

Well, depressing (or not?) news aside, as stated in big letters and underlined, today is, you guessed it, Cirno day. I did my fair share of
⑨'ing around on the internet, on places such as Gfaqs OT, 4chan, hongfire, IRC channels, playing 12.3 Cirno only, listening only to Cirno's theme, etc.

Anyways, as for my plans for this site after today...this site will just be a Cirno fan website, I guess. No, I'm not going to ditch this site, I'll still post blogs every so often. I'll still upload pictures, and inform anyone of anything Cirno related. Needless to say, today was quite an enjoyable day for me, despite my failing math scores.

I suck at math. ;_;

Well, here's a few Cirno pictures to top off today! Be sure to check out Cirno's Photo Gallery one last time for today, get your daily dose of Cirno x 9!

Oh, and thanks to Jebuz for sending me a Cirno picture that he drew! Very well done, I'll say.
Once again, thank you all for your cooperation~! I'll be back!
Mysterious Anon
8/17/2010 02:42:26 pm

What, no update for Cirno's game? I am dissapoint.


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